If you are planning to visit Malacca to spend your holidays, travelling by bus would be a good option as it will allow you to enjoy the beautiful sceneries that come along the way on your journey. No one now denies the advantages of bus travel due to great facilities each traveler gets by bus from Singapore to Malacca than any other means of transport. You will also find cheap air travel, but still people have given vote for the bus travel that gives high level of comfort and reaches you in the same time that air travel takes. Moreover, you stay away from long checking of airport in bus from Singapore to Malacca tour.
Low fares:
Lowest fare is one of the top reasons to choose bus travel as low cost does not affect your level of comfort due to the advance buses and wonderful services. There are solid reasons to prefer bus travel as the fares are cheaper than a cheap air travel with more facilities that were never before. The people who move from Singapore to Malacca by bus due to the added advantages of bus travel keep its preference at the top as compared to others. The online booking portals let you know the clear picture of what to do for making bookings and send you a confirmation email or message along with a reference number.
Excellent facilities:
The other thing that should be in your knowledge is that you might think the journey will be less comfortable due to low cost, but there is a high level of comfort in bus travel as due to more demand of bus travel, newly equipped buses is playing their part that are driven by expert drivers on the smooth roads. They have enough space to sit, relax and get entertainment of music or watching your favorite TV program.
Travel time:
If you compare the travel time of bus with air travel, the time to reach by bus from Singapore to Malacca is the same as that of the airplane. The reason is you are restricted to reach at the airport 2 hours before departure time and after reaching to the desired destination, take a taxi or transport to reach into the city. While in bus travel there is no restriction of reaching two hours before and the bus stops in the city from where you do not need to travel more.